Goa's Valid Claim
Team GS

Jawaharlal Nehru's speech
Former PM Jawaharlal Nehru made this speech in Bombay on June 4, 1956, five 
years before Goa was liberated after 450 years of Portuguese rule. Excerpts: 
"If the people of Goa, that is minus the Portuguese government - if and when 
the Portuguese go and the people of Goa deliberately wish to retain their 
separate identity - I am not going to bring them by force or compulsion or 
coercion into the Indian Union. I merely say that my national interest involves 
the removal of the Portuguese from Goa, not coercion being used in bringing 
about the union of Goa with India, although I wish it, I desire it and it is 
the only solution. That is a matter ultimately for the people of Goa to decide. 
 I want to make it perfectly clear that I have no desire to coerce Goa to join 
India against the wishes of the people of Goa. But the point is that we feel 
that Goa's individuality should remain and that whenever the time comes for any 
changes, internal or other, it will be for the people of Goa acting freely to 
decide upon them".

When he came to visit Goa in 1963, Nehru reiterated his earlier promise to 
preserve, protect and nurture this unique culture and identity of Goa.

Goa's Valid Claim

Jammu and Kashmir and North eastern states have been conferred Special Status 
on the basis of difficult terrain, because they are border states or because 
their majority population is tribal. Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, and 
Puducherry, even Rajasthan and now, Bihar have joined the me-too chorus. Most 
of these states demand Special Status because they are backward and the 
sub-text to this is that they want the central government to fork out more 
money. But Goa has made it clear it wants no financial input and that it should 
be given Special Status only so it can preserve its heritage. Is that too much 
to ask?

Why Goa deserves Special Status

a) The Customary law and procedure, its language, culture and ethos.

b) Ownership and transfer of land and the exploitation of its resources and the 
preservation of its natural and architectural heritage.

c) The regulation of entry and settlement of persons who are not of Goan 

d) Establishment of industries and employment therein.

e) Protection of age-old traditional institutions such as Gaumkaris 
(Comunidades-village communities) and their assets.

f) Protection of the original SCs, STs and Gounli (Dhangars) belonging to the 

Benefits of Special Status

1) Will reduce in-migration so that Goa's resources like land, water can be 
better managed and distributed.

2) Will create conditions where Goa's unique culture and identity will thrive 
and grow.

3) Will lower prices and better the quality of life of Goans as the clamour for 
homes, schools, roads, hospitals from non Goans will come down.

4) Will reduce crime, which has gone up because of migration.

5) Romi Konkani will thrive.



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