My good friend Eric must, in the first place, be educated enough to venture into something that he does not know, nor has he tried to educate himself on the topic he is ending his post on.

First off, my good friend should be familiar with what he is talking about.
It is SU-RAJ he is talking about and not the SURAJ he sees arising in the East and setting in the West. Once this is taken care of, things will fall into proper perspective.

Two, Goa Su-Raj Party - GSRP is a registered political party with the Election Commission of India. Therefore, my friend's loose talk of linking GSRP to an INDEPENDENT Goa is like him performing like a magician taking out a rabbit from the hat. Hopefully, my good friend is not hallucinating.

Three, GSRP has always linked SPECIAL STATUS FOR GOA under Article 371 of the Constitution of India to ' NO WILL' from the Centre to bestow the same on Goa. Therefore the GSRP's threat of taking the matter to the UN where Goa has a strong case, India having not conducted the much flouted Plebiscite by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru prior and after 1961.

Four, what my good friend is talking about is about a person belonging to the National Marauder, the BJP, who is wittingly or unwittingly making U-Turns at every point, instead of proceeding straight forward with a decisive mind. The latest is the linking of the extra load carried by transporters to entry tax, which has no relevance at all. Entry tax is entry tax and over-laden vehicles is a safety measure that invites heavy fines whether one enters the state or not.

And, Five, my good friend surely is built to 'lick the foot' that is kicking him. Therefore, he will not be able to understand firm minds and firm attitudes. I was hoping that he had some bone in his vertebral column. I am disappointed to say the least.

After all this, I still adivise my good friend to keep whatever he has learnt in his carrier as a 'defence' person ( if I am right in assuming this) where they have been taught more on how best to 'lick the foot' that kicks, and, for a change, open the www.goasu-raj website and read so that some empty space in his brains is fruitfully filled up or delete the trash that he has stored in it to make it saturated to make room for new knowledge.

I love being poked, but the person who does the poking must be very very confident of himself, to face me at any given time at any given place.

Hopefully, sense will prevail.

PS: My good friend should see that Goa's ICON CEO who goes by the tag of being an IIT'ean is fluttering in the wind like a 'wind sock' on every decision he takes. There is no ROAD MAP and everything is AD-HOC. On IIT'ean ( if I am right) has kept crores worth of SKY BUS monument for Goans to garland for the past many years. Therefore my reference to GSRP's Road Map available on

----- Original Message ----- From: "eric pinto" <>
To: "GOA2" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:50 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa dependent.

With beef having become history, for now, Goa now faces
being strangled with the closure of all cross-border commercial traffic. In a protest against road tolls, trucks will stop moving, effectively ending the import of over one half of all greens,
meat and grain consumed by us.
Karnataka has refused to heed our pleas to stop work on the
damn on the Mandovi. They also control the fields that produce
the gas we expected to start burning this year, and their new Congress
government may have scores to settle with BJP Goa.
My not so 'educated' guess is that the new 'Suraj' on the horizon
does not bode well for the territory: the independence a few have yearned for may not be so terribly palatable, after all. eric.

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