Goan Basketball Players/ supporters will stage a peaceful protest
against the functioning of Mr. C.F. Vaz and Mr. Shekhar Jain as
President and Secretary of Goa Basketball Association, the murder of
the democratic process in the Association and the Government’s
inaction in the matter. Mr Vaz and Mr. Jain are illegally and
unconstitutionally functioning as President and Secretary of the
Association in connivance with some Basketball Federation of
India(BFI) Officials and have brought disrepute to the game through
their misdeeds and actions. The protest will be held on Monday, June
3, 10 am outside the office of the Sports Authority of Goa(SAG), Myles
High Building, Patto Plaza, Panaji.

You are requested to kindly join the protest and support this genuine
cause of restoring democracy in the Association. The time to oust Mr.
Vaz and Mr. Jain is now or never. Please do join in large numbers.

(Issued on behalf of Goan Basketball Players)

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