The controversial concretization of a lush green eco-sensitive area into a
multi-purpose ground is a hot topic in Colva today and this letter will
catch the attention of many people, particularly my fellow Colvenkars.  I
always loved Colva since I was a Child. I recollect the village as very
clean, pristine white beach sands, lush greenery etc. Over the past so many
years however, I am pained to see this once beautiful village rapidly
deteriorating into a place of filth, stink, creek/other places polluted
with sewage, rapidly diminishing greenery, un-wanted constructions/mega
projects, water contamination etc. One has to only visit Colva and its
beach to see for themselves. All of the latter has increased the monetary
assets (mostly illegally) of greedy; local politicians, real estate agents,
builders, specific hoteliers, specific restaurant owners and now also many
un-ethical people from outside Goa. One common element which has
facilitated Colva’s decline to chaos, is the bunch of known corrupt local
politicians, who I have seen in power in Colva for many years and I find it
strange to believe that the Good People of Colva, besides electing these
people time & time again, are still taking the their; despite knowing their
backgrounds and that their properties/houses/flashy cars were obtained via
corrupt ways, in the selling/destruction of my village. I do not have
problem with having a good lifestyle but not at the cost of rapidly
destroying our Colva village. It appears that many Colvenkars have a short
memory on things that really matter, like for example the known
destructive/corrupt elements.

Now, we have a lush eco-sensitive green area (one of few areas left in the
village) opposite the Church and it appears there are people who were
silent on the all the other wrong doings on Colva and SAG Ground, have now
suddenly woken to destroy/concretize the area.  The SAG Sports Ground near
the beach remain totally un-maintained & un-utilized, this could have been
easily developed into a world class sports centre for the Village. Many are
listening to the propaganda of un-qualified individuals for concretizing
the eco-sensitive area; why not ask the opinion of credible national/local
environment agencies/experts.  Of course my other point is why another
ground when we already have one big SAG un-utilized one? There is talk by
the un-qualified experts of drainage systems etc to which I ask Colvenkars
the following question, when our in-competent current system can’t manage
basic infrastructure, clean beaches/creek, streets etc in Colva, how can we
believe that they can setup a good drainage system in concretizing the
area. I appreciate that there plans to bring about a better garbage
management system in Colva but I am talking on basis of where Colva
currently is; which is of course a complete big pathetic mess.

I call for the proposed plans for the ground on the lush green
eco-sensitive area to be scrapped, however if the overwhelming majority of
the Colvenkars still want to concretize this area then I request that (A)
Can we first look at developing the SAG ground as a sports centre for the
village instead of converting another scarce land resource, (B) Have a
total environment/disaster management assessment be done by credible
experts, so as to avoid any calamities/floods in the future. We are of
course aware of short sighted development is many parts of India, which has
led to man-made calamities.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.
Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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