Under fire from not just the opposition but all; and sundry over absurd
claims by its Kangresse  leaders -- that one can get meals in “Rs 5 and Rs
12” in Delhi and Mumbai respectively -- the Kangresse Communication chief
Ajay Maken today tweeted “We do not agree with Rs 15 & Rs 5 statement of
some leaders.” In this line too, Maken prefers to say ‘some leaders’ rather
than saying ‘some Kangresse leaders!’

The Kangresse was lambasted for these insensitive statements and was the
butt of jokes not just on Twitter and television but on the streets as well.
The common man had been outraged at this ‘cruel joke’; hence the need for
Kangresse to clarify.  

Maken who took to his twitter handle @ajaymaken to clear the air, which in
reality is far from over, then went onto target the opposition for fault
finding with the UPA. 

Maken forgot that it’s Kangresse Party and their stalwart ministers who are
the key starters of figure pointing/targeting at each and every ‘word’
spoken by Narendra Modi of BJP! Therefore I find no reason why Aam Admi from
all streets of India should not target Kangresse party and their leaders for
their unrealistic, absurd and cruel jokes! 

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