Antonio R.  and Saude of Sonapur made small fortunes supplying
uniforms to the forces during the War.  They accumulated rental real
properties then, as did Rodricks of Minerva Furniture who supplied
timber. He bought Daryanagar House from the Siddi royals who lived in the 
next door, Queen's Road.
     Antonio did not get the Bene Merenti - he did not send Dabul any whisky,
whilst the Saude kept Vigario D'Sa at Dolours/Sonapur happy afloat.
Ayres at Dabul got case-loads from my dad.     eric.

 From: Eugene Correia <>
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] A.R.Dias and Sons, Men's Tailors.

Thanks Eric of reminding me of AR Dias and sons. The man was interesting to
talk and gave long sermons to me whenever I visited his place near Sonapur
Church. His youngest son, Franky, was my friend. I am not sure if Franky or
another of Dias's son was Dr. simon C. Fernandes's godchild.
Once he told me that he was upset with the the doctor and then added that
he would kill me but didn't so for the only reason that the doctor would go
to heaven. Both must arguing in heaven and AR must have found a group to
listen to his sermons.
His sons were terrified of him.
AR Dias story of how he became the official suitmaker for the Governor is
interesting. Eric, you have heard it. One has to believe it considering he
was a man who could go to any length to secure his objective.


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