

If you receive this more than once, please bear with me.  I am understaffed
and underpaid, that’s why.

* SHACK ATTACK: Following the script - 3*

*Lionel Messias*

*Strangers in their own land*

In April 2008 the shacks of 15 Goans were demolished after the Tourism
Department declared their shacks were illegal because their locations were
changed from the originally allotted sites.  The license fees were not
refunded to them. Each year after a great deal of wheeling and dealing, the
government allots shack licenses (total: 237) in north Goa and south Goa.

In 2008 this writer accessed through RTI (Right to Information) the facts
on how a beach restaurant The Sunny Side Up was set up by Anup Sharma on
Candolim beach encroaching on government land.  How it got past the
scrutiny of both the Tourism Department and a private consultant who
inspected it in December is another question.  Tons of sand were used to
elevate the area on which Sunny Side Up was built to raise it above the
roofline of the shacks in front of it and give it a view of the sea. Sunny
Side Up continues to do business till today thanks to its hard-boiled owner
and a government that looks down on its own.

*Goanspirit *was able to document the following events that took place in
Colva, easily the most abused beach in India by any reckoning:

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* August 12-18, 2013*

*Pushpa Iyengar*

*30 extra minutes does not make the cut*

 “The extra five minutes in every period does not help at all. On the
contrary students get fidgety, are fighting, noisy, throw paper balls
around …. In some primary schools, children keep asking ‘Miss, when will
the bell ring?’”.  This is the heartfelt experience and the on the ground
report of a government school teacher about Goa government’s August 6
circular extending school timings by 30 minutes every day constituting  a
five and half   hours  day or  full-day  schooling of  six  hours for  five
days a week, to fulfill 1,100 instructional hours for the  academic year.
Earlier schools had a five hour day.

The extra half hour a day, implemented in June this year, had caused a
furore among teachers, parents and even political parties over the last
several weeks. They had demanded a rollback, but chief minister Manohar
Parrikar has stuck to his guns and now the die has been cast with the
release of the circular.

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*August 12-18, 2013*

*Lion Roars -18*

*Land sale moratorium easier than Special Status - Concluded*

*Food for Thought*

There is a moratorium on the sale of agricultural land (till January 1,
2016) in the Ukraine known as the bread basket of Europe only because the
moratorium prohibits not only alienation of any land that is designated
(zoned) as “farm land”, but it specifically bars all foreign citizens and
foreign-owned companies from owning such land.  Last month Georgia
prohibited the sale of land to foreigners and foreign firms following
amendments made to the law on ownership of agricultural land.  They
establish a moratorium on the sale of land to foreign citizens and
companies registered abroad before December 31, 2014.  The law also
requires the government of Georgia during six months to develop a unified
state policy on ownership of agricultural land for rational use and
protection of land resources.

*By comparision Goa appears to be hell bent on converting all of its land
for building purposes or DEVELOPMENT as politicians call that in Goa.  From
2012 to March 2013, 53 conversion sanads were issued in Pernem taluka  and
461 in Salcette taluka, making it a total of 514 sanads issued.  During the
same period 74 applications were pending in Pernem and 353 in Salcette.  A
total of 426 sanads.*

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 *Faster, Higher, Stronger into the ground*

*August 12-18, 2013*

*Team GS*

Is the Parrikar government laying the ground to get out of holding the
Lusofonia Games scheduled in Goa from November 2 to 10 this year? There’s
no other explanation when different people in the BJP and the government,
including chief minister Manohar Parrikar, have made it clear that a gun is
being held to their heads to conduct the games. It’s not the first time
that an opposition party has come to power and has to fulfill the
commitment made by a government whose party is now in the opposition.

Sample these discordant voices: “Even though I am not personally in favour
of hosting the games, we are doing so due to the commitments of the earlier
government and the games will be completed successfully.” This was Parrikar
while addressing the BJP’s Gao Chalo Abhiyan in Canacona on August 9.

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*August 12 -18, 2013*

*Goan liquor producers - 1*

*The adrenalin rush of at Adinco*

*Lionel Messias*

If you were told a Goa made vodka with the not-the-so-heady name of Flo
will soon be sold in Canada and the US, you might feel a tad heady.  Blame
it, if you want, on the huge in-your-face ad spend or the intoxicating
effect of all those promos on the north coast line, but sober up fast.
What you do not know is that vodka is produced through an intricate and
expensive process and is not merely distilled from an assortment of grain
mashes (or potatoes even) which the Russians did for a long, long time
before they knew better.  So, know this.  The Cotombi based Adinco run by
the Diniz brothers Truman (production), Solomon (marketing) and Wilfrid
spelt with an ‘i’ (logistics) use the later discovered Russian filter
method to make Flo which hopefully is going to be ‘shot’ in bars soon into
the North American continent.  “The Russian filters are so compact they can
be installed in a room,” says Solomon.  Adinco uses both the carbon (cost:
approx. Rs 2,00,000 ) and silver (cost: approx Rs* *5,00,000) processing
methods or filters.

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 *August 12 -18, 2013*

*Poems on Goa*

*Gita Krishnan*

Nostalgia for the Goa of her childhood and years away from her homeland
spurred Maria Conceicao Pereira, an Administrative Assistant in a law firm
in Bahrain, to pen a few lines about the days of yore. It struck the mother
of two that perhaps the new generation would never know about many of the
simple pleasures of her uncomplicated growing years. And thus was born *Goenchi
Girestkai, *an ultra slim booklet of a mere 14 pages with 12 poems about
professions that have all but disappeared today.

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*August 12-18, 2013*

*Team GS*

*Doublespeak is the name of the game*

This government needs to come clear on whether it supports rave parties,
dance bars, casinos, even a Playboy club instead of running with the hares
and hunting with the hounds.  Doublespeak seems to be its middle name.
There was Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar’s whine about what he would do if
he lost the revenue of Rs 150 crore from casinos. Subtext: casinos are ok.
Then, while he says he will not “allow” dance bars in the state, you have
BJP vice-president Wilfred Mesquita saying ““If alcohol is allowed to flow
in the gutters of Goa, I don’t see why anyone has a problem against dance

Read Full Story:

Lionel Messias
*Goan Spirit*, *Goa's Spirited Online Weekly Magazine.*

Worked for the best:
Goa Today, Gomantak Times, Herald, Mid-Day, The Pioneer,
Indian Express (Bangalore), Economic Times (Chennai, Hyderabad),
Newstime (Hyderabad), Gulf News (Hyderabad)

125-E, Bellem, Velsao,
P.O. Cansaulim,
Goa 403712
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