A casual remark which Ben Antao made about Konkani writing style, reminded
me about a little booklet that has been distributed by the Goan
Archdiocese to probably every Catholic home in Goa not too long ago for Rs
10/ although I doubt very many have read this little tome and for good

This booklet, a pastoral letter, has been sent ahead of the First National
Convention of Small Christian Communities (SCCs) scheduled to be held in
front of the Basilica of Bom Jesu, Old Goa from 19 to 21 November 2013. The
SCC is the big thing of the Church in recent times.

The cover page reads as follows: Lhan Kristi Somudai: Priti - Sevechea
Ekcharan Bhavartheak Govai / Small Christian Communitites: Communion of
Faith in Love, Gonvllik Chitt, Gonvllik Voros 2013 - 2014, Bhov Xrest
Filipe Neri Ferrao: Goy - Damanvchea Arsebispachi.

I don't really want to comment about the idea of SCCs which is the theme of
this bilingual Pastoral Letter but I want to comment on the style of
Konkani and the alleged 'Approved English version' of the text. I'll do
this by simply copying a couple of Konkani paragraphs and then the alleged
English translation and allow you to compare both of them.

2. Lhan Kristi Somudai Kiteak?

i. 1960 dosokant, Yves Congar Dominikan Sonsthechea mottvaxian, aplea
kallachea loka lagin uloun mhonnlolem: "Povitr Sobhechi bandavoll -
kednam-kednam tich Povitr Sobah - ticho khol ani jivo ghutth lipoita tosli
addkholl zata: ho gutth fokot thollak mellunk - vo portun mellunk xokta.
Ani ho 'tholl' kitem tem som'zaun diunk, Lay People in the Church - hea
pustokant, Lhan Kristi Somuday "ho gutth sorolllponnan ani sadheponnan
jiyeunk mellta tosle Povitr Sobheche lhan khondd" mhonn to boroita.

ii. Amcho Dev Triek Dev ani moniskull rochtanam tannem aplem Triek
Dev-jivit amkam dilem. Mhonntoch, amche bhiltor Dev-jivitachi kitt asa.
Dekhun, soimbhinvh ami sombondik. Bharotantli Povitr Sobha LKS sthapunk
vavurta tea promannan, Lhan Kristi Somuday xezariam modem soirigot ghoddun
haddpant ek boro upay ani tanche vorvim vangddam sovem Dev-soimbh asa tem
uzvaddak yeta. Khorem mhollear, nizache LKS 'sonvsarant sorg' ghoddun
haddunk soeg ditat.
Now for all of you who understood those paras, compare it with the alleged
English translation:

2. Why Small Christian Communities at all?

i, Way back in the 1960s, the Dominican theologian Yves Congar, speaking to
his contemporaries, had said: "The Church's machinery, sometimes the very
institution, is a barrier obscuring her deep and living mystery, which they
can find, or find again, only from below." And to explain the term 'below',
he writes in his book 'Lay People in the Church', that Small Christian
Communities are "little church cells wherein the mystery is lived directly
and with great simplicity."

ii. Our God is a Trinitarian God and, in the process of creating humankind,
he shared his Trinitarian Life with us. This means that we have a spark of
God's life within us. We are therefore relational by nature. Small
Christian Communities, in the manner the Church in India is promoting them,
are an excellent means to promote relationships among people in their
neighbourhoods, thus giving expression to the divilne nature within them.
Actually, genuine SCCs help create 'heaven on earth'.

Those of you who may be wondering why I have been saying 'alleged English
translation' may by now understand what I mean. If one compares the two
versions it is very apparent that it is the English version which is the
original while the Konkani version is the translation.

One reason why people are horrified by the 'Padri Bhas' of the Catholic
Church is that it is first thought out in English and then there is a
struggle to translate it into Konkani. Thus one gets a Konkani which is
stilted and unnatural, and which tries to express itself in the syntax of a
foreign language rather than its own.

And at the level of word building, where an unfamiliar concept would have
been easier to borrow from the English, it is first translated into
Sanskrit or Marathi and then imported into Konkani, thus forcing the reader
to read a translation of a translation.

Any comments, especially from votaries of Romi Konkani, although others are
also welcome to give their two paisa worth?



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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