By Roland Francis: 
The Bucket List and Other Things - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan
Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter 15 Sep  2013 at

For Indian standards, the trial, conviction and sentencing to death of the
men who raped, severely beat up and killed an innocent young paramedic woman
student while savaging her escort on a quiet night last December in New
Delhi, was completed this week in record breaking time. Even considering
that the justice process was fast-tracked due to the national outrage it
created, it was still speedily delivered. In India "fast-tracked" can mean
three to five years instead of the usual ten to fifteen. It's another matter
when those on death row actually make the trip to the gallows.

Most Indians breathe a sigh of relief with the thought that a death sentence
would now be a precedent and a deterrence to any such crime, a kind of
panacea for all the evil perpetrated on womankind in India. That would be
quite convenient. But the facts show otherwise. If capital punishment or
even other severe sentencing were a true deterrent, US prisons would not be
full as full as they are now. Salutary punishment does not really reduce
crime, at least in developed countries. There are other more complex issues
that have to be addressed by society for that to happen. There are many who
tell me that Indian criminals respond well and solely to the threat of
punishment. I am hoping that for the sake of women there, they are right and
I am wrong. That kind of thinking will save them the effort of treating
women as equals, learning to respect them, discarding dowry (it has long
been a crime), giving them the same opportunities and privileges as men and
doing away with aborting foetuses merely because it will be a female child.

Closer to home in Canada, we too breathed a sigh of relief, a bigger sigh
though, when circumstances or should I say the cleverness of Assad and Putin
delivered Obama out of the corner in which he had boxed himself with his
avowed desire to bomb Syria. Though his Congress may perhaps have nixed his
request for aerial war, with the people giving him thumbs down, he might
still have unilaterally used his presidential authority to bomb to save face
and his line in the sand. For him it would mean little - a few billions
added to the national debt (even if that could be better used to alleviate
the poverty in some of his cities) with no American lives lost. But to
humanity it would result in a grievous wound, killing many people, most of
them innocent, so facilely described in American terminology as "collateral
damage". Further, there would be ruination and destabilizing of an ancient
and beautiful country and a body blow to the Christians of the Middle East,
inhabitants of that land even before the Roman empire, being converted by
the apostles themselves.

Widespread and illegal mining destroying a local environment already made
fragile with construction and strewn garbage, is looking to re-enter Goa
riding on the greed of politicians, on the back of a plea of shortage of
revenue and through the rear door of the Indian Supreme Court via a petition
that seeks to circumvent and short-change the report of a Commission of
Enquiry that resulted in the recent decision of that very court to ban
mining. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that the gravy was
being sorely missed by the corrupt men who rule Goa and it would be only a
matter of time for them to attempt to restart it again. For the sake of the
health and well being of the people of Goa who never benefited from the
money that rolled in but suffered from its disastrous results, I hope the
Supreme Court shoots down that plea. Sustainable mining that benefits both
business and people is possible. The Portuguese showed that when they
governed Goa. Being foreign, they could have been expected to despoil the
land and loot the populace with rampant and unregulated mining, but they
didn't. It took our own people to show Goans how it could be done. 

After you turn fifty you should have a "bucket list" - things to do before
you die, however far into the future that may seem to you. Things like
parting with precious things you own but which going forward will give
someone else more pleasure than they give you now. Perhaps if you can afford
it, travelling to some countries you have not been to, unrestricted for time
and location than allowed on those standard tours and cruises. Maybe going
and living as a guest in the home of some dirt poor family in a hopeless
country, experiencing how people sleep on an empty stomach, yet are happier
than you and I. It could even be doing something much less dramatic, by
freeing up the time you thought you didn't have, to do them. Spending more
time with family perhaps, renewing friendships even, with people who blessed
your life as you went through it, who are still around but whom you have
never thanked or talked to, enough. I am late in creating my own bucket list
but not too late to still work on it. Good wishes for the creation and
fulfillment of yours.


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