Have you ever heard that Curosity killed a Cat!

Well I don't know about you, but our family is full of love for the parents,
spouses and children. Other than that I am not bothered about the world..

When down, I go to the church. Our parish gives account of last Sunday's
collection and God is everywhere, not just in the back benches.

Btw which church do you attend. I have  a feeling, your one leg is in
Fernandes ward and the other in Naik ward, So the boat is rocking and

Get hold of yourself dear!!


From: Ana Maria Fernandes <amferns_n...@hotmail.com>

being inquisitive in school I would get what I wanted to know but today no
one seems to answer my questions . Born in a catholic family I have bth een
asking priests questions like why should we say the rosary, why should we
celebrate so many feasts of our lady why there is no love and concern in the
family either for our parents, spouses or children and why are the church
not transparent wh y money and why the word of God is kept in the back
benches. Can some one answer these questions on this forum ?    

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