Ideal Indian school lift Asian Schools trophy in Qatar

Doha, Qatar: Ideal Indian School rallied from behind to down MES
Indian School 2-1 to win the First Asian Schools football tournament
organised by Friends Circle Qatar in association with Fahad
International Events Management.

At Wakra Stadium on Friday, MES took the lead very early into the
match and where able to carry the cushion of the 1-0 lead into the
second half. After the lemon break, Ideal Indian School came back with
renewed ideas and a different game plan.

The change in tactics helped Ideal to secure the equalizer through a
spot kick conversion midway into the second half.

 Goaded by the success of an equalizer, Ideal pressed hard for the
winner and succeeded in taking the lead.

MES went all out in search for the equalizer in the dying minutes of
the match, but Ideal held on to the lead till the end.

Azeem of Ideal Indian School won the man-of-the-match award, while
Bhavans School won the best disciplined team award in the seven-a-side
tournament which was attended by a large turnout from different Asian

Earlier, in the semi-final MES defeated Bangladesh School 2-1, while
Ideal edged past DMIS by an identical margin.

Schools run by Indian, Pakistan, Sri Lankan and Bangladesh management
group based in Qatar took part in the tournament which was played on a
league-cum-knockout basis.

The following schools took part in the one-day tournament: Pak Shama
School,  BMHM Bangladesh School, Sri Lankan School, MES Indian School,
Ideal Indian School, DMIS School, Shanti Niketan School, Bhavan
School, DPS School and Birla Public School.

 Organizer of the tournament William Fernandes said the tournament was
a big success and it was for the first time such a tournament has been
hosted here in Qatar exclusively for Asian schools.

“The management, physical education teachers and the students of the
schools taking part in the tournament were happy to take part in the
tournament were they were pitted against some of their Asian
counterparts. We hope to make it an annual event,” said William

  Another member of the organizing team Joao Dias said: “Students of
Asian schools get limited opportunities to take part in interschool
tournaments, so the Asian Interschool tournaments was yet another
exposure for some of the budding talented Asian footballers based in
Qatar. It also gave an opportunity for some of the players
participating in the tournament to network and build new friendships.

”Fahad Al Dosari, Chairman of the Fahad group of companies was the
Chief Guest, along with Muneera Al-Dosari, Special Guest, who gave
away the trophies and prizes.

Also present were Othman Blake, representative of Qatar Football
Association, Vasu, President of Indian Cultural Centre and Jasamuddin
Principal of  BMHM Bangladesh School. Collin Fernandes, compeered the
prize distribution ceremony while Anand Shirdokar, gave the vote of

Coca Cola was the main sponsor, supported by  Qatar Football
Association, Sign Tech Neon, Eastern Exchange, Al Zaman Exchange and
Fahad International Group.

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