There are few members in Goanet who resort to questioning English Grammar,
English spellings, English usage…..when they don’t have answer(s) to queries
or questions! And Dr. Ferdinando proved that he belongs to the same club!!

But, alas, the words ‘published’ and ‘News of 2011’ are used by Dr.
Ferdinando and not by me. All that I have done is ‘used the same words’ and
posed questions to Dr. Ferdinando. One can verify this from the attached

Anyway, now will Dr. Ferdinando, Englishman, explain his version of ENGLISH
and also answer my questions! For ready reference, I attach herein below, my
1st message, followed by Dr. Ferdinando’s message, my response to Dr.
Ferdinando and Dr. Ferdinando’s recent ENGLISH explanation! 

U. G. Barad


Subject: The way Tehelka works

Though not directly related to the latest Tejpal incident, I thought the
enclosed article relating to the first Think festival would be of interest
to the members on this list.

A crusader turns collector
Author: Devika Sequeira
Publication: Deccan Herald 
Date: November 12, 2011

After several preliminaries and high-power calls—some of them from Sonia
Gandhi’s political adviser Ahmed Patel —''Tehelka'' publisher and chief
operating officer Neena Tejpal met Chief Minister Digambar Kamat in Goa
weeks ahead of ''Think 2011'', the magazine’s ‘festival of ideas’ that was
held here from November 4 to 6. 

 “She came with a few other people to meet me and asked us to associate with
the event. Since prominent people, including central ministers were coming,
we agreed to help them,” Kamat told Deccan Herald on Saturday.

He denied there had been pressure from Delhi for him to support the
festival, which has been shadowed by a controversy, or that a deal had been
struck for “Tehelka” to hold off an expose on illegal mining in Goa. “No,
no, that’s not true at all,” he said.

Also present at the meeting with the “Tehelka” representatives were Chief
Secretary Sanjay Srivastava, former tourism secretary D C Sahoo, Finance
Secretary S Kumaraswamy, Director (tourism) Swapnil Naik and others.
Neena Tejpal, sister of “Tehelka” editor Tarun Tejpal, was business-like and
downright arrogant with the Goa chief minister, leaving his aides quite
stunned. “If Tarun was here, he would have asked for Rs 1.5 crore. How much
are you willing to give?” she asked Kamat quite bluntly, a government source
told Deccan Herald. The source expressed shock at Neena’s tone and tenor,
considering she was talking to the chief minister of a state. An embarrassed
Kamat asked his aides to see which departments could be tapped for funding
the fest and the chief secretary finally came up with a figure of Rs 50 lakh
for the magazine’s event.

“Tehelka”, which prides itself for its investigative and public interest
journalism, has been accused by theatre personality Hartman De Souza of
burying a report on mining in Goa by its former correspondent Raman Kirpal
because of the negotiations with the Goa government on “Thinkfest”. Tejpal
has strongly denied the charges.

But a government aide said after the meeting with Neena Tejpal there was a
strong buzz in the secretariat that Kamat was keen to oblige the “Tehelka”
people because they have some “explosive material” on him.


I had posted a Deccan Herald article with the following url:

It is about Tehelka had sort of extorted Rs 50 lakhs from the then
government of Goa for the first Thinfest.  In response, Dr. Ferdinando dos
Reis Falc'o wrote:


 This piece of News is of Think 2011, already 2 years old.

Wonder why it is published now? And how much the present CM funded for
Thinkfest 2012 & Thinkfest 2013?

And whether the Editor of Tehelka was so complacent with the present
governance that he ventured to molest a female colleague?


 The article was written by the Goa based representative of the publication
- Devika Sequeira.  Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc'o wonders why it is brought
to Goanet again that too after 2 years! Answer is simple: General publics'
memories are short and therefore forgets incidences/happenings very fast.

Although computers can dig archive any time, it's of no use unless one
re-reads the  happenings/incidences a fresh - it's called 'recalling past!'

Right!!  Now, will Dr. Ferdinando explain me what's wrong to republishing
again and again even after ten years or more?  

As for how much present CM funded for Thinkfest 1012 & 2013, I think, Devika
Sequeira and even you can inquire with the present CM if he had/has funded
2012 & 2013 events. It would be informative - is it not? Will you do this to
highlight all Goanet members on the issue you raised? 

Lastly, whether the Editor planned his venture on an assumption of
complacency, it is for the Editor to tell, not me! You can enquire on this
issue too with the editor directly and or follow any other route you prefer
to take to collect the information! In any case, it would seem that his
assumption turned out to be false!!

 U. G. Barad

On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o

U. G. Barad dr.udaybarad at on Fri Nov 22 20:07:07 PST 2013 wrote:

? Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc'o wonders why it is brought to Goanet again
that too after 2 years!...


There is a vast difference in the English meaning of the word ?published?
and the term ?reference to publication?

There is also a great difference in the English meaning of ?News of 2011?
and ?date of publication?.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o.                                           

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