
As the title says, all 151 Perl-* recipes were removed from the recipe
store. All other recipes that depended on them in their latest
versions (and there were not many; 18 in Dependencies and 8 in
BuildDependencies) were modified to depend on CPAN: equivalents: every
dependency of the form Perl-Foo-Bar was changed to CPAN:Foo::Bar,
using the Aliens infrastructure.

Support for recipe_type=perl was removed from Compile git, and
RecipeLint was modified to complain accordingly.

Next, I will remove Lua-* recipes, to use LuaRocks instead. These two
will go first because their /System/Aliens infrastructure is already
in use in Gobo 016.

Python-* and Haskell-* will be next.

-- Hisham
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