I would suggest to first upgrade to 1.6.2 as investigating and support will 
be complicated by all the changes which occured since then.

On Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 11:07:22 AM UTC+2, Pontus Lundin wrote:
> Hi,
> So i have a client running for months doing re-occuring work against a 
> SOAP web service, suddenly i got the 
> Get url: EOF error and now i am unable to get anything useful back from 
> the server (headers) other than the :EOF
> There are various threads on this topic
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17714494/golang-http-request-results-in-eof-errors-when-making-multiple-requests-successi
> That points to if using older Go version (mine being 1.3.3) add
> req.Close = true 
> I can amend this to my application code (or upgrade to a newer Go version) 
> but what can i do to release the TCP connection that seems to halt me from 
> doing more requests? Is there anything i can do client side or do i need to 
> talk to the server-side people to kill (hanged) open connections?
> If i try another endpoint (not the SOAP web service) it works (i get the 
> headers response back) so it seems that the server rejects more connection 
> from my client ? Is that right ?
> Thanks!

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