On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Matt Harden <matt.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The syntax is &type{...}. &42 does not match this syntax. What Jan was
> describing is specific to that syntax, not to the use of & in general; in
> fact let's try it for &x:
> tmp := x
> &tmp
> This gives a very different and not useful value for &x. &T{...} is an
> exceptional syntactic sugar for grabbing the address of a compound value. It
> doesn't make much sense to generalize this syntactic sugar to other values.

As I recall, at one point before the public release of Go Russ made a
pitch for changing &T{} to (*T){} as that would be more consistent:
just as T{} creates a value of type T, (*T){} would create a value of
type *T.  But even though it was more consistent nobody really liked
it and we stuck with the &T{} syntactic sugar.


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