On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Anmol Sethi <an...@aubble.com> wrote:
> Thing is, since keyed fields are almost always better, why were unkeyed 
> fields even allowed for struct literals? I see what you mean in your example, 
> but I think it would be simpler to only have unkeyed fields.
> Was it a mistake or is there a even better reason?

I think this is a case where consistency is valuable.

And for something like
    struct Point { x, y int }
there is no real confusion to writing
    Point{1, 2}
Why make people always write
    Point(x: 1, y: 2}

Also consider that there are useful structs with a single field, in
order to implement some interface without allowing people to casually
change the value.  It would be a pain to force people to always state
the field when writing a composite literal.  And it would be a pain to
have a special exception for a single field.


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