On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 12:19:13 PM UTC-5, Dave MacFarlane wrote:
> What do you mean "no actual text editors"? By my count of the 
> importers that GoDoc knows about 3 out of 8 of the projects that are 
> using it are text editor apps. 
> - Dave 

Go to exp/shiny/examples/textedit. 
go run main.go

Try to edit. Nothing happens. Click - no caret appears. Type, nothing 
happens. Try to select text, nothing happens. 

Look at the list of GoDoc projects:

go-vu: not clear what this is, but it looks like a GUI implementation of 
its own, resting on top of Cocoa, mobile, or Shiny, 
but https://github.com/achille-roussel/go-vu/blob/master/text.go looks like 
his custom implementation of a text edit.

view-fits: image viewer for specific file type.

de: programmer's text editor - uses the Shiny screen as an image window, 
renders text and line numbers into that on its own, does not use any Shiny 
widgets (hardly surprising - this is a VI style mode-based editor, so a 
traditional text edit would hardly be a viable basis). See 
https://github.com/driusan/de/blob/master/kbmap/insertmode.go for basic 
implementation of text editing

T: T text editor. https://github.com/eaburns/T/blob/master/ui/textbox.go - 
this is his own textbox implementation - presumably because Shiny does not 
have a usable one yet.

hplot: histogram and function plotter.

linedrawer: draws steps from 1-dimensional cellular automata

goapple2: apple II emulator, using Shiny as a framebuffer/eventloop, 
basically. Again, not using built-in text widgets, doing its own rendering 
and text handling.

graphics/cmd/edit: popping up a couple of levels, to graphics, here is a 
line from their readme: "editor provides a graphical, editable text area 
widget." Again, their own implementation of a text editor widget.

So, again, not one of these programs uses the Shiny text widget. 
"sigint.ca/graphics/editor" looks like an interesting implementation that I 
may try to use, as it appears on the face of it to have been designed as a 
drop-in usable widget with minimal dependency contamination.

But my basic point stands - the exp/shiny implementation lacks the basic 
widgets to implement the average desktop application, particularly of the 
data entry variety, but is suitable as a backing framebuffer/eventloop. 
Expanding your dependencies may gain you a text editor widget, but you 
would still be on your own for implementing buttons, radio-buttons, 
drop-down/lookup/choosers, list selectors, tree controls, grid controls. 
Unless it is your *goal* in the first place to write such a set of widgets, 
then currently you are probably better off implementing back-end logic in 
Go and front-end interfaces in something else, or looking into alternative 
more feature-complete GUI packages for Go.

The text widget itself was only added to Shiny on June 12, and there is 
still a comment in the file that reads "// TODO: cursors + editing (not 
just viewing) text, key + mouse events, // scrolling, load/save, 
clipboard." so I don't think I am making any claims the developers would 
not acquiesce to. Surely this will change over time, and the 
implementations above are evidence enough that Shiny is a viable platform 
on which to build complex widgets. I am not at all meaning to disparage the 
project, just trying to offer a bit of my own experience.


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