
It's implementation dependendent. Be explicit. For example, pass a flag 

*//go:generate go run main.go -gogenerate*


On Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 9:28:16 AM UTC-4, dc0d wrote:
> How to find out if the *main* function is started by executing the 
> compiled binary or by *go run*?
> By examining *os.Args* it can be seen at the first case (running the app) 
> we will have the *binary name* as the first argument without any path and 
> when it is started using go run, we will have something like 
> */tmp/go-build899137799/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/appname* as the 
> first argument.
> Is this a reliable way for performing this task? To assume if the path is 
> similar to this - for example using regex - it is running using go run?
> *Motivation:*
> The *go run* mode is used for some code generation - I've not tested if 
> it works with *//go:generate go run main.go* or not; yet.

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