On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:05 AM,  <sh...@tigera.io> wrote:
> I've been writing some code where I have nodes in a processing graph that
> need to notify other nodes when something changes.  I'm using callbacks
> (rather than channels, say) because I want everything to be synchronous.  It
> seems like I've got a choice between
> type Foo struct {
>     Callback func(baz Biff) Boff
> }
> and
> type callback interface {
>     func(baz Biff) Boff
> }
> type Foo struct {
>     Callback callback
> }
> to represent the callback reference.  Is there a convention (or a good
> argument) for when I should pick one or the other?  Seems like a function
> pointer is more universal (I don't even need an object to be a receiver) but
> maybe an interface is more idiomatic?

There are no hard and fast rules, but I think the func value is more
idiomatic.  And if there aren't any other fields in Foo, I would write
it as

type Foo func(baz Biff) Boff

That said people do use interface values as well, as in go/parser.Visitor.


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