On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 3:47 PM <leobal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The map is also rather big and I want to avoid creating a temporary copy
> of it.
In Erlang, you have a call on ETS tables called ets:safe_fixtable(Table,
Fix). This makes the table safe for traversal until you remove the fix
again. The rule is that items inserted into the table can be hit by the
traversal, but no items are removed until you release the fix (this is what
makes the traversal able to actually run over the whole table).

It's internal implementation is that it keeps a "secondary" set of things
while the primary is being traversed. Thus, you don't need a temporary copy
as you "lock" the table while it is being traversed and add other stuff
into a table next to it. Once you want to release the lock, you replay the
changes on top of the table. The gist is you don't need a deep copy and if
there are relatively few changes to the table, this is way faster in replay.

In fact, in the Erlang implementation, it is enough to track deletions. If
we update a satellite value for a key, we can still (safely) traverse the
table since the key is still present. The problem is when we remove a key
in which case the traversal could have a "hole" which makes us miss the
next hash bucket. While we are doing this, we can go to the deletion set
before going into the hash table and if there is a "tombstone" present in
the deletion set, we regard that value as deleted.

I wonder if some of these ideas can be salvaged into a solution in your

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