Sounds like it's also more than a map[type]interface{} and more like either
 map[type][]interface{} or a map[type]map[uuid]interface{}. And that's
somewhat naive as well.

I'd probably implement a method to store and fetch each "type" that the ECS
could actually care about, which could probably be generated (see `go help
generate`). That may be too onerous though depending on *how* the ECS would
be used. I don't have much use for systems like that in what I normally
work on.

The actual storage of the data may also require a more sophisticated setup
than a single top level map as well.

There is probably a better way to model a system like this in Go, but I
don't know what it is.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 8:27 PM Kaylen Wheeler <> wrote:

Keep in mind: at this point, I'm only playing around with a Go

What I'm trying to do is implement an Entity-Component-System.  Each entity
consists of a collection of components, each of which may have a different

The first thing I'm trying to implement is an easy way to look up
components by their type and assign them to a variable that points to that

I want to avoid writing something like  foo :=

That seems unnecessarily verbose.

I also want to avoid explicit type-casting for the same reason.

On Monday, 7 November 2016 19:52:06 UTC-8, freeformz wrote:

Based on that example, I'm even more confused about what you are trying to

Can we take a step back and forget about the implementation of a solution
and describe the problem you are working on?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 19:08 Kaylen Wheeler <> wrote:

Here's what I have so far:

I think it works for my purposes.  However, I'm confused about one thing:
 Why does reflect.Value.Set panic when passed a zero-value?

On Monday, 7 November 2016 16:56:52 UTC-8, freeformz wrote:

Then just use pointers (see lines 45+):

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:50 PM Kaylen Wheeler <> wrote:

I want pointers because I want most components to be structs, and I want
the ability to modify the fields in those structs.

On Monday, 7 November 2016 16:46:17 UTC-8, freeformz wrote:

Why do you want to use pointers?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:42 PM Kaylen Wheeler <> wrote:

Thanks for the "basic pattern" example here.  There's one little
modification I'm wondering about.

Can this line:


be changed to this?


If so, how can we check that the input value is a pointer to a pointer.

Or alternatively, is it better that the values in m should be pointers?

On Monday, 7 November 2016 16:01:53 UTC-8, wrote:

On Monday, 7 November 2016 17:55:57 UTC-5, Kaylen Wheeler wrote:

I'm trying to find a typesafe way to access a type-indexed map of
components.  This map can contain objects of any type, and the keys are

One strategy I thought may work would be to pass a pointer to a pointer as
an out-var.  Using reflection to determine the pointer's type, it could be
populated with a corresponding value.

For instance, if we did something like this:

c := ComponentCollection{}
c.addComponent(123) // Add an int component

var p : *int

In this case, p would point to the int component of c.

That's wht the 2 levels of indirection are necessary: it's an out-var to a

Does that make sense?

Here's the basic pattern:

var m = make(map[reflect.Type]reflect.Value)

func addComponent(x interface{}) {
   v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
   m[v.Type(x)] = v

func getComponent(ptr interface{}) {
   rv := reflect.ValueOf(ptr)
   if rv.Kind() != reflect.Pointer {
        panic("not a pointer")

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