I just started leaning Go and I've been stuck on this for a couple of days

Running on an App Engine dev server

The idea is to get an object I can work with with a format like this:

  "Results": [
      "username": "Test username",
      "username_sani": "testusername",
      "dob": "1992-09-10",
      "email": "",
      "gender": "M",
      "account_type": "user",
      "account_status": "enabled",
      "activated": 1,
      "country": "US",
      "weekly_playtime": "6",
      "game": [
      "primary_game": "",
      "activation_code": "BOxc9P2FomaaL4qKkQ2JMUIa1kgaYCJUlkfUqTs9",
      "password": "",
      "last_active": "2016-11-20 20:27:38",
      "lol": {
        "verify_string": "ymn8Hm9ojfCzLqgZaZDi"
      "login_history": [
          "date": "2016-11-20 20:03:46",
          "result": "login_ok",       
          "forward": "",
          "timezone": -300
      "current_login_att": 0,
      "reset_password_entries": [
          "code": "sZln9bCoLYVrPXErKes5",
          "valid_till": "2016-11-22 01:10",
          "result": "cancelled"
  "Includes": [],
  "IsStale": false,
  "IndexTimestamp": "2016-11-21T16:21:06.5157187Z",
  "TotalResults": 1,
  "SkippedResults": 0,
  "IndexName": "users_search",
  "IndexEtag": "01000000-0000-0069-0000-00000001AED9",
  "ResultEtag": "A85E1A89-3C87-F9AA-B0BA-41EC39CD225A",
  "Highlightings": {},
  "NonAuthoritativeInformation": false,
  "LastQueryTime": "2016-11-22T19:19:39.0784570Z",
  "DurationMilliseconds": 0,
  "ScoreExplanations": {},
  "TimingsInMilliseconds": {},
  "ResultSize": 0

My current code :

        ctx := appengine.NewContext(req)
client := urlfetch.Client(ctx)
resp,_ := client.Get(ip+"/indexes/"+ query)
doc,_ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
var index_results IndexResults
err := json.Unmarshal(doc,&index_results)
if err != nil {

type IndexResults struct{
Results []byte `json:"Results"`

Which gives me an error : json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of 
type uint8
With result {[0]}

How can I receive json results with dynamic fields that may or not be 
there? Do I define a struct for every possible result?

Thank you

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