Seriously if the community is really a community then it will pop up in
another form. If not then it was never really a community to begin with.

I agree with Brad that this isn't something I want to condone. In fact if
people stopped using services with mgmt like this more often then crap like
this might disappear. We vote with our feet I say.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016, 07:45 Eric Black <> wrote:

> Brad,
> Again I want to applaud the phenomenal job the moderation staff does on
> /r/golang. The team really makes it a useful resource. It's become a daily
> part of my routine as well as countless others.
> Seeing how this thread has blown up I would like to suggest we put this to
> some sort of vote if the move is to actually remove the sub. I would argue
> that it's a valuable resource for many people. As other have noted there's
> a substantial user base and I fear that if the sub is removed it will
> negatively impact the community. My opinion is that since this highly
> debated, polarizing topic, having some form of closure or an official
> discourse of some kind to make sure the decision is very intentional and
> clearly stated.
> You're also mentioning association with the official golang organization,
> so things get a bit muddy there (I think?) as far as how a vote would work.
> I appreciate you reaching out to a larger audience. Is there an official
> way to do this, or is one needed?
> I would be interested in hearing what your and others thoughts are on this.
> - Eric
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Brad Fitzpatrick <>
> wrote:
> To be clear, this is just my opinion. Nothing is happening immediately
> here. I want to talk with all the existing moderators first.
> I also want to understand whether the Go project considers /r/golang an
> official space. The fact that the sidebar says "If you encounter an issue,
> please mail" suggests to me that it IS an official
> space.
> If it's NOT an official space, and if all moderators want to leave, then
> the decision is easy: give it to new moderators and let whatever happens
> happen.
> But if Go DOES consider it an official space, then I would argue it
> shouldn't be. I no longer think the platform is a good place to be
> associated with. And in this case, we need to decide what to do with
> /r/golang (make it private, delete it, pass on ownership and request that
> it be labeled unofficial in the sidebar, etc).
> I understand there are many users there. I was one of them. There are many
> things I like about the Reddit UI and voting system. I would love to see a
> replacement available first before we decide on anything.
> I probably should've started this thread in private with the other
> moderators so I had more information to share when I mailed golang-nuts@.
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Brad Fitzpatrick <>
> wrote:
> In light of the CEO of Reddit admitting to editing user comments (see
> dozen news stories today), I propose we delete the /r/golang subreddit.
> That is so beyond unethical and immature, I no longer want anything to do
> with that site. I will be deleting my account on Reddit after backing up my
> content, and I will no longer be a moderator of /r/golang.
> If other moderators of /r/golang feel strongly that it should remain, I
> suppose you're welcome to keep it going.
> But if the other moderators want to abandon it and focus our conversation
> elsewhere (or build a replacement), I'm happy to just delete /r/golang.
> Opinions?
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