Generally, the answer is, don't use regular expressions.   This is good 
advice in any language and for almost any problem.  In this specific case, 
if you care about speed, write some more specific code that does what you 
need instead of falling back on regular expressions.

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 4:59:02 AM UTC-5, Thomas Modeneis wrote:
> +6 years later, It seems that this issue still a problem.
> There is a open ticket on github for it: 
> I've been facing this issue for a while, and on my experience the best 
> workaround is to serialize the CSV to the disk after reading it.
> Cheers.
> On Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 3:52:16 PM UTC+1, Alex Dong wrote:
>> I'm writing a simple 'word picker' using golang and python. It
>> basically reads a tweeter message from a csv file, tokenize it and put
>> the word->id into a map called lexicon.  It turned out that same logic
>> took 22 seconds for python 2.6 to finish whereas 57 seconds for
>> golang!
>> Wondering are there anything I've done wrong?
>> Here is the python code:
>> $ cat
>> lexicon = {}
>> pnct_ptn = re.compile(r'([\.,\\/\'"\?!=_\)\(\]\[\{\}:;]+|http://[^ ]
>> +)')
>> def tokenize(s):
>>     s = pnct_ptn.sub(' ', s)
>>     return [t for t in s.split() if len(t)>=3]
>> for line in open("result.csv").readlines():
>>     parts = line.split(',', 3)
>>     if len(parts) != 4: continue
>>     msg = parts[3]
>>     s  = msg.decode('utf8','ignore').lower()
>>     for word in tokenize(s):
>>         if not lexicon.has_key(word):
>>             unique_words += 1
>>             lexicon[word] = unique_words
>> Here is the go code:
>> $ cat loader.go
>> package main
>> import (
>>     "bufio"
>>     "os"
>>     "regexp"
>>     "strings"
>> )
>> var (
>>     pr, _ = regexp.Compile(`(http://[^ ]+|['".\\,=()*:;?!/]|-)`)    //
>> pattern for removal
>> )
>> func tokenize(s string) []string {
>>     ms := pr.ReplaceAllString(strings.ToLower(s), " ")
>>     return strings.Split(ms, " ", 0)
>> }
>> func main() {
>>     lex := make(map[string] int)                            // lexicon
>>     dic := make(map[int] string)                            // lookup
>>     tw  := 0                                                // total
>> words
>>     ps  := false                                            // present
>>     r, _ := os.Open("result.csv", os.O_RDONLY, 0444)
>>     defer r.Close()
>>     in := bufio.NewReader(r)
>>     for i := 0; i >= 0; i++ {
>>         line, err := in.ReadString('\n')
>>         if err != nil {
>>             break
>>         }
>>         parts    := strings.Split(line, ",", 4)
>>         if len(parts) != 4 {
>>             continue
>>         }
>>         ts := tokenize(parts[3])
>>         for d := 0; d < len(ts); d++ {
>>             w := ts[d]
>>             if len(w) < 3 {
>>                 continue
>>             }
>>             _, ps = lex[w]
>>             if ps == false {
>>                 lex[w] = tw
>>                 dic[tw] = w
>>                 tw ++
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> Cheers,
>> Alex

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