On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 16:35:09 +0000
Alex Flint <alex.fl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a golang package that embeds (go-bindata or
> similar) a reasonable standard set of CA roots? Ideally such a
> package would provide a ready-to-use http.Client.
> For context, I'm building minimal docker images containing go
> binaries that need to make https connections to some third party APIs.

In such context, why would you need that?  Every sensible
GNU/Linux-based OS ships a package containing such list of CA
certificates, and Go built for GOOS=linux knows how to find those certs
in a set of standard places.

Sure, one problem with this is that the list is opinionated; on the
other hand, the list of your imaginary package would be opinionated as
well.  On the other hand, whatever list is shipped with your base OS
gets security updates and also updates which merely bring the list
up-to-date (just like the time-zone information package(s)).

So I'd just rely on the underlying OS.
In Debian and it's derivatives it's named "ca-certificates".

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