Because the underlying type of bson.ObjectID is string, the map marshaller
uses the underlying string (coerced to valid utf-8) as the JSON map key
directly. In the case of ObjectID that's a bad thing because many ObjectIDs
contain bytes that are not valid utf-8 and get replaced with the unicode
replacement rune, causing loss of data. I think it must be this way to
satisfy the Go 1 promise, because originally map keys had to be string or
integer types, and even though later the encoding.TextMarshaller interface
came along, they couldn't change the behavior for string and integer types
including those that implement encoding.TextMarshaller. I suppose the
behavior could be changed if it were controlled by a flag or something.

I wonder whether the mgo maintainers could be convinced to change the
underlying type of bson.ObjectID to [12]byte instead. This would still work
as a map key and would cause json.Marshaller to use the MarshalText method,
giving you the results you were looking for automatically.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 8:20 AM Vincent Jouglard <>

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the  explanation ; i already used strings as indexes to make
this work; but I was wondering if I was doing something wrong :)
Still, I wonder if this behavior is wanted and if so, why that ?


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