To sacrifice simplicity of readability for simpler writing is to have never 
been tasked with reading a 25kloc C# project and having to open 10 windows 
just for the object-oriented pyramid of generic abstract partial template 
class factories


On Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 11:44:10 PM UTC-8, hui zhang wrote:
> Disadvantage of Go
> 1  No Generic For Now
> That make user coding repeat code many times, even for basic type such as 
> int float bool
> It is not easy , even to make a generic min function.
> using interface will always check type casting.
> and for []interface{} in generic function, u can't do cast
> 2   Incomplete  Type  in Basic Lib
> Take math lib as an example,   math.Max math.Min are only for float64 , 
> you have do stupid conversion for other type.
> 3  No Default Value for struct.
> Consider multilayer struct.   A {B {C {D {E {F} } } } 
> to init A to a default value will be complicated.
> And how about  A[] slice
> And what if D E F are from third party lib ?  
> You have to dig into 3rd party code just for its default value. 
> For It may have none zero default value.
> 4 Can not Cycle import.
> package A B can not import each other at the same time. 
> While other language can.
> It seems not a big deal just put the the common thing in a new package
> But when the package and project grow bigger, it just easy to say.
> This change will affect all caller.
> 5  Inconsistent type conversion 
> bool type are normal type just like int and float , 
> but u can't do below.  while other type can cast to others
> int(bool) bool(int) 
> 6  No multi casting expression
> func foo() (int16, int8)    
> var i,j int32 = (int32,int32)(foo())
> Since go can't do this, why go provide multi return value.
> 7 No Ternary Expression
> hardly find a language without it except go
> 8 No Negative Index for slice 
> all other script language support a[-1] as a[len(a)-1]
> When programing in go 
> we have to do repeated type casting many times, due to the above.
> write long code for Ternary ,int(bool) a[-1] etc
> init big struct with default value.
> Which make Go not an Elegant and simple language.
> Once I thought go was a simple language, 
> but in fact we write more code.
> All above are proposal for many times. 
> And it is 6 years(or more).
> These basic functions are still not added. some of that should be add in 
> version 1.0
> I belive most above could make go simpler, 
> someone know  a little programing could know how to use it.
> however someone still fear it make go complicate like c++ 

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