On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Chris Lu <chris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to build a generic distributed map reduce system similar to
> Spark. Without generics, the APIs pass data via interface{}. For example, a
> reducer is written this way:
> func sum(x, y interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
>     return x.(uint64) + y.(uint64), nil
> }
> To be more generic, this framework also support LuaJIT.
> There is a noticeable difference in terms of performance difference. LuaJIT
> is faster than pure Go. The profiling of pure Go showed the assertE2T and
> assertI2T cost a non-trivial amount of time.

Note that in the 1.8 release assertE2T and assertI2T no longer exist.
They were removed by https://golang.org/cl/32313.  That should speed
up these cases; assertE2T and assertI2T were trivial, but in some
cases they did call typedmemmove.  When your interface values store
non-pointers, and the code is inlined as it is in 1.8, the calls to
typedmemmove disappear.

You might want to retry your benchmarks with the 1.8 release candidate
to see if you can observe any real difference.


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