What were you expecting to happen?

The documentation says: 

       Both  pattern and replacement must be valid Go expressions. In the 
       tern, single-character lowercase identifiers serve as wildcards 
       ing  arbitrary  sub-expressions;  those expressions will be 
       for the same identifiers in the replacement.

So if 'h' had shown up in the replacement, it would get replaced with the 
original identifier - but it did not appear, instead H did.

It *looks* like you were expecting it to change the "hello, world\n" to 
"Hello, world\n"? But gofmt's -r requires that both pattern and replacement 
be valid Go expressions. 

gofmt -r "\"hello, world\\n\" -> \"Hello, world\\n\""

Has the effect I think you might have been going for. I'm not certain what 
you were intending though, so I'm not sure of that.

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