thansk nathan, i will try it out now.

I am curious if anyone else has done this for windows, Linux, Android and 

I am working on building apps with golang and QT, and need to be able to do 
it cross platform. QT has aweful support for this, and i think a golang lib 
that does this, will allow all GUI toolkits using golang to benefit from 

i am willing to bring it al together into a single library that is agnostic 
to OS and wraps the special things each OS needs.
Then from your golang code you just call the agnostic lib,

I know this is a bit of a boiling the ocean idea, but the more i looked 
into it the more i found he differences between OS to be huge.

Please let me knwo what you think ...


On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 6:32:08 PM UTC+1, Nathan Kerr wrote:
> I managed to get this working.
> I don't know what sort of app you are making, so I made a simple gui that 
> displays the url received, with some filler text before any are. I think 
> the non-ui parts should transfer to whatever you are doing.
> A few notes:
> - main.go lines 3-8 (cgo and import C) are important. They tell go how to 
> build the c and obj-c parts.
> - after C.StartURLHandler is called, HandlerURL will be called. HandleURL 
> needs to be non-blocking as it seems to block the whole UI, so put 
> long-running stuff in another go routine. I had to buffer labelText so the 
> a url received at the same time the app starts will not hang the program.
> - I had to put C.StartURLHandler before the ui.Main stuff so the first url 
> would not be lost when the app is opened with `open myapp://whatever` and 
> the app was not already running.
> - running `make` will setup the app, including building it. You will need 
> to `go get -u` <> 
> before doing so.
> - You might need to change the url scheme to something else because you 
> (presumably) already have an app that registers myapp. I didn't think of 
> this earlier as I was trying to follow your question.
> - Before trying to open the url, open the app itself. This will register 
> the url scheme with macOS. After doing so, the app will work if it is 
> already running or not.
> - I was not able to get cmd-Q to close the app. Just click the close (red) 
> button on the window. This seems to be a limit of the ui package.
> This worked for me using go1.8 on macOS 10.12.3 and the latest version of 
> the ui package.
> Hope it helps you out.
> Nathan
> On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 11:50:02 PM UTC+2, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to hook up a Go application to a URL protocol handler in Mac 
>> OS X.  I want a user to be able to click on a link such as myapp://foo/bar 
>> and have that launch myapp and be able to access the full query parameters. 
>>  I've made it as far as getting the OS to register the handler and launch 
>> the app.  That's done by bundling the Go binary into a OS X-style .app 
>> package with a Info.plist file like this:  
>> The challenge now is to figure out how to reference the query parameters 
>> within Go.  I've determined that they're not passed as command-line 
>> arguments.   From what I can tell, you have to use Cocoa libraries to get 
>> at them  [1].  I don't know Objective-C or Swift, though, so that's where 
>> I'm stumbling.
>> There are cheap hacks to do this with AppleScript [2] but I wanted 
>> something more native. 
>> Has anybody done this?
>> Chris
>> [1] 
>> [2] 

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