On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 5:59:11 PM UTC+1, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

Well, there are no Go plugin gurus, and to be honest I'm starting to 
> think it was a mistake to let the plugin package into 1.8.  I know 
> that is not what you want to hear.  It's in because the API seems OK, 
> but it has become clear that there are many related issues that we 
> haven't thought about. 

Well, certainly you Ian Lance Taylor are infinitely more a Go plugin guru 
than I (Basile) am today, and I thank you for spending some time to answer 
my newbie questions. 

If I understand your example, your plugin imports a package, and your 
> main program also imports the same package, and it's unfortunate that 
> the package gets linked into both the plugin and the main program. 
> That is true.  

Thanks for the insight. I'm still not at ease with go build command, and I 
am a bit stressed by lack of build directives (e.g. some Makefile like 
thing instructing the build automation tool for particular options, 
such as -buildmode=shared & -linkshared etc...)

Bear in mind that I am a Go newbie and the plugin abilities of Go1.8 are 
absolutely essential to me, since I want to generate Go code at runtime, 
compile it as a plugin, and load it as a plugin
(all that in the same process, with the compilation step  using some 
external command, e.g. forking some go build process, probably thru my 
-buggy- build-plugin-monimelt.sh 
shell script). 
BTW, I am not alone in wanting this: Sandeep Kalra is asking something 
quite similar in his []byte to func 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/AazLcta3Nos> question 
(even if he formulates his question very differently).
I'm coding monimelt <https://github.com/bstarynk/monimelt> (on github) and 
I just realize that my build procedure is badly broken (in today's commit 

First, is Svetlin's golang-sharing-libraries 
<http://blog.ralch.com/tutorial/golang-sharing-libraries/> tutorial still 
*exactly* correct for Go1.8 *specifically*? Its title  *Sharing Golang 
packages to C and Go* is a bit misleading. I just want all my non-main 
packages to be "shared objects" in Linux parlance
(because I really don't want them to be compiled twice, once for the main 
program and once for the plugin). I don't care if each of my package has 
its own *.so file, or if all of them are agglomerated in one single *.so 
file. BTW, I would 
prefer to avoid having tons of *.so files (what I would probably prefer is 
to have all the non-main code of my thing as a *single* *.so file shared 
between main program & plugins).

In particular, is issue 12236 <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12236> 
still relevant for Go 1.8 ?

I think the only way to deal with is going to be to 
> compile the shared package with -buildmode=shared, and build both the 
> plugin and the main program with -linkshared.  In fact that is what 
> you suggest.  Does it work?  I don't know whether it does or not. 

 My main concern is that I don't want to compilation of a *small* plugin 
taking a lot of time to recompile all the code used by that particular 
plugin and *already provided & linked* in the main program loading it. 
I expect (like GCC MELT did for C and C++ code) that, when generating only 
a few hundred lines of Go source lines (the simplest case is a few hundred 
lines in a single /tmp/generated.go file with package main 
as source code of a plugin which is importing *many* packages built in the 
main program, such as go-sqlite3 <https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3> 
which contains sqlite3 agglomeration C code so takes many seconds to be 
its compilation time as a *plugin* should be quick (probably a fraction of 
a second).

I am not sure to understand well how -buildmode=shared & -linkshared should 
be used. Is there an *up to date* tutorial in how to use them precisely? 
Is there some "bullet-proof" (or at least "newbie-proof") way to ensure 
that a given set of packages (in my current monimelt, it would include my 
packages objvalmo  payloadmo  serialmo and most importantly 
*all their dependencies*which includes, in addition of Go standard 
packages, jason <https://github.com/antonholmquist/jason/>, go-sqlite3 
<https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3> (which sadly takes a *lot* of time to 
be compiled, because it does not use the system's *libsqlite3*, but 
recompile its own Sqlite amalgamation in C code), & rbt 
<https://github.com/ocdogan/rbt> ....
And I expect to use more external libraries in the future.

So how to force Go to systematically use -buildmode=shared? Is there some 
comment directive for that? Or should I provide my own shell script to 
build (I do know that the current one build-monimelt.sh 
<https://github.com/bstarynk/monimelt/blob/master/build-monimelt.sh> is 
very buggy).
Is -buildmode=pie useful for me (I believe that not)?

I'm sorry for still being a newbie regarding Go. I understand that my use 
case is not usual. I have very hard time understanding the precise relation 
between Go source files and Go packages and their build procedure (notably 
for plugins).
Any link to a white paper describing them (in details) is welcome. The 
documentation of -buildmode 
<https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Description_of_build_modes> is not precise 
enough (and does not gives hints of which one to choose).   The 
documentation of -linkshared 
<https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Compile_packages_and_dependencies>  is 
saying just:

>       link against shared libraries previously created with
>       -buildmode=shared.
and I find that explanation too short (what happens if by mistake a 
previous package was compiled twice, both with -buildmode=shared & 
-buildmode=default and what happens if two weeks ago I have compiled my 
purple package -in some *older* version- with -buildmode=default and today 
I am compiling it -an *improved* version- with -buildmode=shared) ?


Basile Starynkevitch <http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/> (France) - email 

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