On 05/28/2017 02:40 PM, Darko Luketic wrote:
> I'm stuck and I hoped it wouldn't come to that.

As Justin said, interfaces on their own don't do anything and their zero
value is nil.

Beyond that I'd consider thinking more carefully about your
interface names. Whenever I see the word "interface" inside of an
interface name it makes me wary.

Notice that the standard library doesn't have much of that -- the only
one I can think of is sort.Interface. Instead you see Reader, Writer,
CookieJar, Valuer, Pinger, Signer, Decrypter, etc...

It seems like the best interface names are nouns that describe behavior
that other types can comply with. You should be able to define a type
and ask your self, "is this type a Writer," or, "is this type a Decrypter?"

Notice how, "is this type a UserStorageInterface," doesn't quite roll
off the tongue as easily. :)

It seems like using a simple and descriptive noun reflects a clearer
mental model for what you are trying to abstract. When I see
"interface" used in an interface name it tells me that you're not trying
to abstract behavior; you're using interfaces purely as a way to wedge
functions into some code.


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