A python like range utility which can be used for this
```random.RangeInt(2, 100, 3)```

On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 5:43:55 AM UTC+5:30, Guillermo Estrada 
> Hi, I've been reading some posts but I still have the same question.
> I need to generate a random number between a min and a max value of floats 
> (Float64) for example:
> random(-0.001, 0.001)
> Is there any way pkg "math/rand" could do this using the Normal 
> Distribution or such? Most Random generation on the pkg works in [0.0,1.0)
> The closest I found is:
> func (*Rand) NormFloat64 
> <http://weekly.golang.org/src/pkg/math/rand/normal.go?s=804:840#L28>
> But I need a way to clamp that range into my own, any ideas? Thnx in 
> advance!

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