the code is like this(i make it simple,but the logic is not change)

const (   

    Ignore = "-"

    End    = "\r\n"


type AccessLog struct {    

    Hash                             string

    LowerIP                          string

    FlowType                         int8

    SendTime                         int64

    Host                             string

    AppName                          string

    StreamName                       string

    Protocol                         string

    StatusCode                       string

    Url                              string

    HttpAgent                        string

    Refer                            string

    VideoFrameRate                   int32




        omit some variable





func appendValue(rsp string, value string) string {

    if value == End {  // End

        rsp += value

    } else {

        rsp += (value + "|")


    return rsp


func (a *AccessLog) SetStatusCode(statusCode string) {

    if a.StatusCode == "" {

        a.StatusCode = statusCode



func (a *AccessLog) MakeString() string {

    var rsp string

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, Stop)

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.Hash) 

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.LowerIP) 

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, fmt.Sprint(a.FlowType))

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, fmt.Sprint(tt))

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.Host)

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.AppName) 

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.StreamName)

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.Protocol)

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.StatusCode) *//every time crash in this line,and 
panic: **runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference*

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, a.Url) 

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, Ignore) 

    rsp = appendValue(rsp, Ignore)





*2 goroutinue will access the same variable which is type of *AccessLog  ,like 

func changeAccessLog(a *AccessLog){









func makeStringAccessLog(a *AccessLog) {




   rsp := a.MakeString()





*//this is the caller function*

func callFunc(){




   a := new(AccessLog)

   go changeAccessLog(a)

   go makeStringAccessLog(a)





so, i don't understand why operate string variable will case crash.

of course,the code in my program is more complex,function SetStatusCode and 
MakeString will be called in the same time.

do somebody meet this before???????

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