I would like to ask for confirmation if I understand correctly few items.
Thank in advance for the answer(s).

Bellow let's consider only correct, valid, race-free "normal" programs that
do not use CGO or directly call assembler routines etc.

1. Once 'p := &v' is executed, the program always observes, through *p, the
same value v had before the assignment unless the program mutates p or *p
by itself.

2. The value of p per se is not guaranteed to be the same all the times.
The program may observe different values of p without the program mutating
p by itself.

3. The well known existing Go compilers, up to and including version 1.9,
may move *p and update p iff *p is located in a goroutine stack. (Not a
specification guarantee, just an implementation detail.)

Is all of the above correct?



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