On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 03:29:01AM -0700, Hugo Torres wrote:

> Recently I've been reading "Domain Driven Design" and I think it has some 
> useful stuff about organizing Go programs.
> I wrote some of my thoughts up on my blog here 
> <https://juicemia.com/post/go-ddd/>.
> Would love to know what everybody thinks.

I'm not sure I got the point from reading.

What you have labelled as "Aggregates" is just a conventional
common-sense approach to structuring data: of course, a car "contains"
(hence "aggregates") its wheels.

What was labelled "Factories" are the standard ways to produce values of
types which do not have useful zero-values or just are convenient for
one reason or another.  Examples of what you call "factories" are right
there in the go-to documents for Go beginners [1, 2].

What was labelled "Repositories" is a pretty standard way of decoupling
disparate parts of code by using an interface.  Interfaces naturally
decouple the code which only relies on some behaviour from the code
which defines types implementing that behaviour.

I'm afraid you might be too dragged away by that shallow-water
theoretisation which appear to be done by this book.
As someone commented on Amazon, «Another meta-methodology book filled
with self-evident observations normally learned on the job. A lot of it
is just common sense.» — based on your blog post, it sounds just about
correct, sorry.

1. https://blog.golang.org/package-names
2. https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html

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