Did you test Go 1.9 betas or RCs ?

Le lundi 28 août 2017 01:14:20 UTC+2, oldCoderException a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I upgraded to Go 1.9 and since then UDP multicast code that has been 
> running fine for over a year is now failing on JoinGroup.  I run this 
> program on linux Mint 18 as root (using sudo), both for the multicast 
> permissions and also to allow listening on TCP port 80 and redirecting to 
> port 443 for SSL.  The error returned from JoinGroup is "operation not 
> permitted" which I could expect for a non-privileged user, but not for 
> root.  
> If I recompile the program using Go 1.8.3 the exact same works again.
> I won't show all the code since there are several structs and "objects" 
> involved, but here's the failing bit, with the interface, listen address, 
> and group address all hard coded just for this example:
> iFace := "eno1"
> listenAddr := ""
> grpAddress := ""
> inetConn, err3 := net.ListenPacket("udp4", listenAddr)
> if err3 != nil {
> alertMsg = bsutils.CreateFormattedBSAlert(bsutils.ALERT_CRITICAL, 
> "ListenPacket Failed: %s", err3.Error())
> return nil, alertMsg
> }
> mConn := ipv4.NewPacketConn(inetConn)
> if err := mConn.JoinGroup(iFace, &net.UDPAddr{IP: grpAddress}); err != nil 
> {
> alertMsg = bsutils.CreateFormattedBSAlert(bsutils.ALERT_CRITICAL, 
> "JoinGroup Failed: %s", err.Error())
> return nil, alertMsg
> }
> If it gets past the above code, I then do a SetControlMessage and return 
> mConn for normal serving.
> thanks,
> Paul

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