On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 10:48:06 PM UTC+2, Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
> Why do you Prepare a statement if you don't reuse it? Just use a db.Exec.

Just wanted to show a pattern which I see very often in Go code. Its not a 
working example, and I am not asking for improvements in that code. 

But concretes aside: error handling IS important!

Yes it is. But as my example shows, it should not get annoying.

> But if such code bothers you, create some helper type / function: see one 
> Andy+Brad pair programming video where they create an errWriter struct 
> which is an io.Writer, and just writes to the underlyin Write. Untill the 
> first error. From then on it always returns the fist error.

The problem with ANY error handling solution within the existing Go syntax 
will require one of three things:

   - Wrap the call which you need to check the error for
   - Wrap the check into a function, to save code lines
   - Do some tricks to check the error at the end of a block

Neither one of these methods is satisfying for me. I need to be able to 
produce readable, concise code which does the right thing.

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