On 18/09/17 10:00, Ângelo Chida wrote:
Hi, I'm new in Golang but I'm PHP StackDev since 10 years ago
I'm following this tutorial https://golang.org/doc/articles/wiki/ on how to build a web app, but I'm stuck on some error and can't find anywhere a solution.

If you read down into "Data Structure" section, you will find the explanation for those function.

> Functions can return multiple values. The standard library function |io.ReadFile|returns |[]byte|and |error|. In |loadPage|, error isn't being handled yet; the "blank identifier" represented by the underscore (|_|) symbol is used to throw away the error return value (in essence, assigning the value to nothing).
> But what happens if |ReadFile|encounters an error? For example, the file might not exist. We should not ignore such errors. Let's modify the function to return |*Page|and |error|.
> func loadPage(title string) (*Page, error) {
>    filename := title + ".txt"
>    body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
>    if err != nil {
>        return nil, err
>    }
>    return &Page{Title: title, Body: body}, nil
> }

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