Thanks for the detailed explanation. That was helpful.

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 3:51 AM, Konstantin Khomoutov <kos...@bswap.ru>

> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 12:23:42PM -0700, 'Pushkar' via golang-nuts wrote:
> > I need to call some C functions from Go. I think I know how to proceed
> > using cgo.
> > However, I was wondering how goroutines and blocking calls in the C
> > functions work together.
> > So in the below example (pseudocode) will the goroutine be suspended when
> > the pthread_lock call is waiting to acquire the lock?
> >
> > I am guessing that the Go engine will detect that the OS thread on which
> > the goroutine(s) are running is blocked so it will suspend them too.
> > Once the thread is runnable, the blocked goroutines will be scheduled to
> > run.
> To what Ian said, I would add only a single goroutine runs on a given
> OS thread at any given time, and when a goroutine enters a cgo call, the
> runtime makes sure that goroutine gets locked to the underlying OS
> thread it's running on (as if the goroutine explicitly called
> runtime.LockOSThread()). This makes sure both Go and C sides are
> consistent about the thread their code executes on during the cgo call.
> Another thing to keep in mind is that the Go runtime scheduler gives a
> goroutine which blocks in a syscall or a cgo calls about 20 us (as of Go
> 1.9) to complete [1], and if it doesn't, the scheduler parks the
> goroutine and may spawn another OS thread if there are runnable
> goroutines -- to keep up with its promise to have runtime.GOMAXPROCS
> goroutines running.
> A corollary to this is that if you make many such blocking cgo calls
> roughly in parallel, this might lead to spawning many OS threads.
> This is not a bad thing in itself, but it's something to keep in mind.
> 1. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21827#issuecomment-329103577


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