
At work I have 3 different xml files I need to parse (different fields 
each), Because going from the xml bytes into a struct is pretty much the 
for all 3 types, I thought I could do something like

var payload interface{}

if kind == "A" {
  paylaod = TypeA{}

if kind == "B" {
  paylaod = TypeB{}

if kind == "C" {
  paylaod = TypeC{}


xml.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &payload)

but this fails. It doesn't give me an error, but Unmarshal doesn't 
recognize the payload variable as the right (new) type.

I created a very simple snippet here 



gen is type: main.X //<== see how the type is correct here
xml gen is {One:}
json gen is map[One:uno]
gen is type: main.X //<== here I declared the variable with the right type 
and Unmarshal works
xml gen is {One:uno}
json gen is {One:uno}

Hope this is enough information.



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