A variable of type [][]Operation has that type and only that type. Your 
Concurrent and Sequential types are convertible to []Operation, and this is 
what happens in the assignment.

You can probably use interfaces to accomplish what you want.

type Operator interface {
Operations() []Operation

Make Concurrent and Sequential distinct types that both implement Operations() 
[]Operation. This can be as simple as

type Concurrent []Operation

func (c Concurrent) Operations() []Operation {
return c

Make your top level thing an []Operator. Use type switching or further 
interface methods as appropriate.


On 23 Nov 2017, at 00:39, Hein Meling 
<hein.mel...@gmail.com<mailto:hein.mel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I have code like this:
type TestCase struct {
Name        string
Description string
OrderOp     [][]Operation

type Concurrent []Operation
type Sequential []Operation

With the intent to do things like this:
OrderOp: [][]Operation{
{ID: "A", Name: "Read", ArgumentType: "ReadRequest", Value: ""},
{ID: "B", Name: "Write", ArgumentType: "Value", Value: "7"},
{ID: "C", Name: "Read", ArgumentType: "ReadRequest", Value: ""},
{ID: "D", Name: "Write", ArgumentType: "Value", Value: "8"},

However, it seems that the OrderOp array do not preserve the type information, 
and I cannot use type assertion or reflect.TypeOf() to recover the types 
Concurrent and Sequential, that I intended to. For a full example, see link 

My question is: How can I best work around this problem??

(Preferably without adding a separate field in a struct to discriminate between 
concurrent and sequential.)


:) Hein

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