The encoding hadn't occurred to me, I'll take a look. Neither return 
errors, as the value is properly thrown into the SQLite3 database. 

On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 12:36:26 PM UTC-8, 
> In setup.go you aren't checking the errors from 
> bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword or bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword, do either of 
> those return errors?
> The documentation for sqlite3 says "The value is a text string, stored 
> using the database encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE)", could it be 
> your database is interpreting your UTF-8 encoded text into a UTF-16 string?
> Matt
> On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 1:39:38 PM UTC-6, Gabriel Simmer wrote:
>> Hey Gophers,
>> I have a bit of a headscratcher for you guys today, hoping someone will 
>> be able to help me track down where I've gone wrong. I have an SQLite3 
>> database with user login info, including username, hashed password w/ 
>> bcrypt, and so on. I also have a "setup" method that is triggered on the 
>> first run of the application, which includes creating the database, setting 
>> an admin password and fetching assets. There's one hitch - the hashed 
>> password doesn't seem to be either:
>>  - Stored properly
>>  - Hashed properly
>>  - Compared properly
>> I've done some extensive testing and it appears bcrypt *is* hashing the 
>> password, and I can compare it successfully right after, and before I put 
>> it into the database. All good. However when I pull the hash from the 
>> database later (on user login), bcrypt doesn't see the hash and the 
>> password as equal and errors out. 
>> Here is the GitHub repository's branch 
>> <>, if you want to fully test 
>> the application, but the relevant files are setup.go 
>> <> and 
>> router/router.go 
>> <>. 
>> I've left in some debugging checks, and will happily answer any questions I 
>> haven't clarified. 

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