Want to write a simple Anroid VPN app with reverse binding. I did a quick 
test based on the reverse example.

So I make an attempt for try as (main change in bold) :

package reverse

import (



* "Java/android/net/VpnService"*

* gonet "Java/android/net"*

* gointent "Java/android/content/Intent"*


gopkg "Java/reverse"

rlayout "Java/reverse/R/layout"




type MainActivity struct {


binding databinding.ActivityMainBinding


func (a *MainActivity) OnCreate(this gopkg.MainActivity, b os.Bundle) { 


db := DataBindingUtil.SetContentView(this, rlayout.Activity_main)

a.binding = ActivityMainBinding.Cast(db)


* VpnService.Prepare(this)*

* a.StartService(gointent.New(this, gonet.VpnService))*


func (a *MainActivity) OnDestroy(this gopkg.MainActivity) {

a.binding = nil // break reference cycle



func (a *MainActivity) GetLabel() string {

return "Hello from Go!"



main change is VpnService.Prepare(this) and 
a.StartService(gointent.New(this, gonet.VpnService)), which comes from 

> startService(getServiceIntent().setAction(ToyVpnService.ACTION_DISCONNECT));
> private Intent getServiceIntent() {
>        return new Intent(this, ToyVpnService.class);
> }

The compiling output is:

> ..\reverse\reverse.go:34:29: type net.VpnService is not an expression.

Change to a.StartService(gointent.New(this, gonet.VpnService.Class)) also 
doesn't help

For reverse binding, I mainly refer to #16876 


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