Hi Marvin,

Awesome explanation. I have learnt alot things through your mail.once again
you made my day.

Thank you

On 12-Jan-2018 9:31 PM, "Marvin Renich" <m...@renich.org> wrote:

> * pradam <pradam.programm...@gmail.com> [180112 01:45]:
> > I'm Newbie to golang,
> Welcome to Go!  Many newbies often use "golang" rather than "Go" as the
> language name, and most old-timers usually ignore this incorrect usage,
> but golang is an artifact of the web site's hostname, golang.org.  Also,
> using golang in web searches for Go language information can help make
> the results more specific to the computer language rather than other
> uses of "go".  However, in normal conversation, it is correct to use
> "Go" for the name of the language.
> A very good introduction to Go can be found at the Go Tour
> «https://tour.golang.org/».
> > var m []int   //array declaration
> First, m is a slice of int, not an array of int.  An array is a type
> that has a fixed number of elements.  A slice is a view into an array
> that can vary in size.  An array would be declared with an explicit
> size, as
> var a [3]int
> A very good explanation of slices and arrays can be found at
> «https://blog.golang.org/go-slices-usage-and-internals».
> > m = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} // this throws error
> The left side of the assignment above is an attempt to specify a
> composite literal.  The correct syntax is
> m = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
> In other words, you must specify both the literal's type, []int, and its
> value, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.  You could do the same for the array a
> declared above (note the explicit size in the type; it must match the
> size in the original declaration):
> a = [3]int{23, 29, 31}
> This is described in the language specification at
> «https://golang.org/ref/spec#Composite_literals».
> The complete language spec is extremely short compared to the specs for
> most other computer languages.  Once you have completed the Go Tour and
> have played with Go for a little bit, it is probably worth your time to
> read the entire spec.
> > so I have declared an array which takes only int items,
> >
> > so I can append items to it with append function.:
> >
> > m = append(m, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
> >
> > but I want to insert items without using append function.
> Again, the above blog entry about slices should help you understand how
> to use slices and arrays more effectively.  The Go language is designed
> to make it easier to reason about when memory is being allocated for a
> new value than in dynamically typed languages such as Python or
> JavaScript.  Because of this, an explicit function call to append is
> necessary when appending to a slice might need to allocate a larger
> backing array.
> I hope this explanation and the above links help you to better
> understand this terrific language!
> ...Marvin
> --
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