Hello yunabe,

congratulations for your impressive work!
The Go REPL looks really complete and user-friendly :)

I am the author of <a 
href="https://github.com/cosmos72/gomacro";>gomacro</a> - the interpreter 
used by gophernotes,
and I am very interested in understanding how lgo REPL is implemented:
I had a quick look at github.com/yunabe/lgo/cmd/runner/runner.go
and it seems to me that lgo compiles and loads a shared library (.so)
for each Go declaration, statement or expression to evaluate.

Is this correct?



On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 2:53:39 PM UTC+1, Yu Watanabe wrote:
> Hi Gophers,
> I developed a new Go's Jupyter Notebook <http://jupyter.org/> kernel and 
> REPL environment.
> I would like to announce it to golang users and hear feedback about it.
> https://github.com/yunabe/lgo - Go (golang) Jupyter Notebook kernel and an 
> interactive REPL <https://github.com/yunabe/lgo>
> Features:
> 1. You can write and execute Go code interactively on browsers and CUI 
> console.
> 2. Full Go language spec support.
> 3. Code completion and code inspection
> 4. Display images, HTML, JavaScript, SVG etc..
> 5. Code cancellation
> Thanks to mybinder.org, we can try example notebooks without installation 
> from this link:
> https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/yunabe/lgo-binder/master?filepath=basics.ipynb
> If you think it's interesting, please go through the instructions in 
> README.md and install it in your Go environment.
> Thanks,
> yunabe
> Screenshots:
> <https://camo.githubusercontent.com/23f040b3ffb5c1869ff87ac2cc87b00bf44a3ca3/68747470733a2f2f64726976652e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f75633f6578706f72743d766965772669643d31325f376648664b6664537938534e5869306e73577a6e6273526769783974474a>
> ** code inspection (Shift-Tab) **
> <https://github.com/yunabe/lgo/raw/master/doc/inspect.jpg>
> ** code completion (Tab) **
> <https://github.com/yunabe/lgo/raw/master/doc/complete.jpg>

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