Here’s a draft for a Go 2 proposal that I’d like to add to the issue 
tracker since there’s no discussion there about this:

Slices should have equality defined.

Map lookup requires an equality operator, which slices do not implement. 
> They don't implement equality because equality is not well defined on such 
> types; there are multiple considerations involving shallow vs. deep 
> comparison, pointer vs. value comparison, how to deal with recursive types, 
> and so on.

This proposal allows slices to be used as map keys and for comparison with 
== and !=.

Slice, map, and function values are not comparable.

An initial proposal is that slices are compared by nil versus non-nil, 
length and backing array pointer, and then by the rules for array if length 
is equal but different arrays are pointed:

Array values are comparable if values of the array element type are 
> comparable. Two array values are equal if their corresponding elements are 
> equal.

reflect.DeepEqual defines a similar slice equality except “deeply equal” 
defines additional criteria:

Slice values are deeply equal when all of the following are true: they are 
> both nil or both non-nil, they have the same length, and either they point 
> to the same initial entry of the same underlying array (that is, &x[0] == 
> &y[0]) or their corresponding elements (up to length) are deeply equal. 
> Note that a non-nil empty slice and a nil slice (for example, []byte{} and 
> []byte(nil)) are not deeply equal.

A use case for me was a map keyed by varying length paths where the map was 
not shared between different path generating computations. With this 
proposal such a type could have shared generated paths as keys.

Ian suggests in a [this] golang-nuts thread that there are varying use 

The problem is that different programs need different things for slice 
> equality.  Some want pointer equality as you suggest.  Some want element 
> comparisons, as is done for array equality.  Without an obvious semantics 
> for the operation, the language omits it entirely. 
But I don’t know where slice pointer equality would be useful. I'm also not 
clear on the recursive type problem.


On Monday, July 4, 2016 at 2:29:18 AM UTC-5, Chad wrote:
> I realize that the issue might be about changing/ adding a builtin:
>    - either add a builtin deep value Comparison function (via reflection)
>    - or add a snapshot type refinement which triggers the allocation of 
>    an immutable copy of a reference type 
>    (and we would recover the behaviour of the string implementation which 
>    is a special case of []byte snapshot, i.e. a value type*)
> I would still expect the behaviour previously mentioned for the "==" 
> operator.
> (*) I keep using reference/value type terminology but it is indeed 
> slightly tricky. But for lack of a better one...

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