Hmm... I actually looked at that .On method. It does in fact call 
Subscribe(),  then spawns a go routine. Strange, so maybe it is a device 
specific issue.

Maybe try to move those .On handlers before the work := func() block, just 
in case...

On Monday, 12 February 2018 00:41:58 UTC-5, Silviu Capota Mera wrote:
> Hi Curtis,
> I used to play a bit with a Beaglebone Black a few years ago, but it's now 
> gathering dust at my father's place. I really liked it at the time.
> Can you double check that you are correctly using your *work := func() 
> ...* construct ?
> Here's what that documentation of the gobot.NewRobot initializer says at: 
> "func(): The work routine the robot will execute once all devices and 
> connections have been initialized and started"
> Could it be that your two *"button.On(...)"* handlers are actually only 
> executed once, then they are lost for ever ?
> Maybe you can try using the Subscribe method ? 
> e,g, *myEventsChan := button.Subscribe()*  (just before the *work := 
> func()* block , then launch a go routing with that channel as a parameter 
> ? )
> Just a thought
> Cheers,
> Silviu
> On Sunday, 11 February 2018 23:21:57 UTC-5, Curtis Paul wrote:
>> Anybody out there have any experience with BeagleBone Black and gobot?
>> I need some advice on how I could go about troubleshooting this...or if 
>> you know what the issue is, etc...
>> I have a very simple Gobot/GPIO Button circuit.  
>> It should show output when button is pushed and then again when released, 
>> but it doesn't do anything.
>> It's not working.
>> Running image BBB-blank-debian-9.3-iot-armhf-2018-02-04-4gb.img.xz.  (I 
>> also tried the version posted on the BeagleBone site)
>> Modified /boot/uEnv.txt according to instructions at 
>> I can see all the gpio's in /sys/class/gpio.
>> I'm using gpio67, so I cat the value file and see 0 when button is not 
>> pushed, then see 1 when button is pushed.  I know my circuit is good.
>> This is my gobot code for interacting with the button:
>> FYI...P8_8 is gpio67
>> package main
>> import (
>>         "fmt"
>>         ""
>>         ""
>>         ""
>> )
>> func main() {
>>         beagleboneAdaptor := beaglebone.NewAdaptor()
>>         button := gpio.NewButtonDriver(beagleboneAdaptor, "P8_8")
>>         work := func() {
>>                 button.On(gpio.ButtonPush, func(data interface{}) {
>>                         fmt.Println("button pressed")
>>                 })
>>                 button.On(gpio.ButtonRelease, func(data interface{}) {
>>                         fmt.Println("button released")
>>                 })
>>         }
>>         robot := gobot.NewRobot("buttonBot",
>>                 []gobot.Connection{beagleboneAdaptor},
>>                 []gobot.Device{button},
>>                 work,
>>         )
>>         robot.Start()
>> }
>> This is what it looks like when the code runs.  No errors, etc...
>> Push the button and don't get any of the Println's.
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Initializing connections...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Initializing connection BeagleboneBlack-65FB3BAE ...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Initializing devices...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Initializing device Button-51E1127C ...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Robot buttonBot initialized.
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting Robot buttonBot ...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting connections...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting connection BeagleboneBlack-65FB3BAE...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting devices...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting device Button-51E1127C on pin P8_8...
>> 2018/02/12 04:14:03 Starting work...
>> I should be seeing "button pressed" when I press the P8_8 button....but I 
>> don't see anything.

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