linux nc command port to golang 

in nc , we can do this

echo 'my id is 1' > /tmp/1
echo 'my id is 3' > /tmp/3
rm -rf /tmp/2 /tmp/4


nc -l 19090 < /tmp/1 > /tmp/2

( if you are in linux not mac this may be  ` nc -l -p 19090 `  )


nc 19090 < /tmp/3 > /tmp/4

when finish ,both server and client will be closed

client send /tmp/3 is saved by server to /tmp/2

server send /tmp/1 is saved by server to /tmp/4

then use golang do the same thing , but when finished , both server and 
client can not closed automaticly

echo 'my id is 1' > /tmp/1
echo 'my id is 3' > /tmp/3
rm -rf /tmp/2 /tmp/4

./nc serer < /tmp/1 > /tmp/2

./nc  < /tmp/3 > /tmp/4

please help me how to solve this and works like nc 

example code

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