Go has goroutines -which makes network programming a lot easier- so that we 
don't have to deal with thread pools, epoll, kqueue or i/o completion ports.

Creating a goroutine per request is cheap, you should try this approach 
first and not optimize unless you're certain that goroutines are the cause 
of bottleneck.

On Saturday, March 10, 2018 at 10:19:47 AM UTC+1, Anto Aravinth wrote:
> Hello all, 
> I'm learning golang and I wanted to try out this. Wanted to make a event 
> driven server using Kqueue sys call (I'm on mac). A simple echo server will 
> do. I started with the below code:
> func main() {
> var lis net.Listener
> lis, err = net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:5000")
> if err != nil {
> fmt.Println(err)
> }
> p , err := syscall.Kqueue()
> syscall.Kevent(p,
> []syscall.Kevent_t{{Ident: uint64(fd),
> Flags: syscall.EV_ADD, Filter: syscall.EVFILT_READ}},
> nil, nil)
> }
> Then later realized that, for attaching the READ for Kqueue, we need a 
> file descriptor. I'm not sure on how to get the file descriptor from net 
> package (may be net package does implements the same logic under the hood 
> by calling out right syscalls for making event driven, but I wanted to try 
> myself). 
> Also, I wanted to know how to achieve the following:
> 1. Once I get my file descriptor, I wait for the events on the same using 
> the appropriate sys calls for kqueue. Lets say a tcp client logs in, sends 
> a request, I receive the event on my kqueue, now the thing I'm confused is 
> that, how will I attach my kqueue logic to the opened tcp connection. From 
> my understanding, usually sockes read/write using read/write syscalls, 
> which are blocking call. Now using kqueue, we are making it more of event 
> driven right? So how would I connect my kqueue with the socket to make it 
> event driven? Any examples would be really great!
> Thanks for your help. 

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